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Critical incident management

Having people with disability in a class does not mean that there will be disruption, nor is unusual behaviour, such as fidgeting, always disruptive. Consider first how distracting the behaviour really is – some Tourette’s symptoms, for instance, may not be acceptable in a yoga class, although they may hardly be noticeable during a walking group activity.

Where behaviour is causing concern but is not actually disruptive, it is worth talking privately to the person concerned. Be honest but positive and ask for their suggestions.

Nevertheless, difficult behaviour does occur very occasionally with people with and without disability. Ideally a few preventative strategies can be used to make sure this does not happen. In the rare event of an incident occurring there are also strategies you can use to deal with such situations.

Preventative strategies

Incident response

If the incident escalates

Document any incident (confidentially) and what your response was and report to the Board/Committee of Management.

Recognising the basic sign of aggression

Aggression may be triggered by:

Verbal cues include:

Non-verbal cues include:

Remember the earlier potential aggressive behaviour is identified the greater likelihood of successfully de-escalating violence

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